Criminal Law

If you are facing a criminal investigation or have been charged with a crime you should have an experienced attorney protecting your rights and helping you understand your options. An experienced criminal defense attorney can often times prevent the filing of criminal charges or a federal indictment. If you have already been charged or indicted, retention of counsel should occur prior to your firist court appearance. We can help you protect your future and are often able to negotiate a positive outcome.


Our firm handles all types of criminal offenses in all courts including:

  • Property crimes
  • Drug crimes
  • Firearm crimes
  • Assaultive crimes
  • Drunk driving
  • Domestic violence
  • Internet crimes
  • White collar crimes
  • Juvenile offenses


Do not let the criminal justice system overwhelm you. Contact an experienced attorney who will fight for your rights and protect your freedom. Contact Gary K. Voshell.